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There is an old Confucian saying in China, which goes, When a workman wishes to get his work well done, he must have his tools sharpened first (工欲善其事,必先利其器)– an apothem that is pertinent to the learning and teaching of English as well. A good book, like a good tool, is a prerequisite to the successful learning and teaching of English. Good English is such a good, in fact perfect, tool for China’s young learners, especially primary and secondary school pupils to lay a solid foundation in their long march to master English. Since its introduction into China ten years ago, I believe that many young learners have already benefited greatly from using the book. I really wish that I could have had such an excellent book as Good English when I started learning English as a little boy around fifty-five years ago. I have no doubt that in the next decade, it will continue to serve as one of the best books for China’s young learners of English.



发布时间:2018-12-06 09:20





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